Rally at Electro Optic Systems Head Office, Elizabeth Street, Sydney August 8, 2019

This rally takes place every second Thursday of the month in opposition to their support for Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates in the war on Yemen. Notes from Fr Claude Mostowik's speech: In the eyes of some war making is sacrosanct. Pope Francis: Countries that sell arms have no right to talk about peace. In April he said that…


Why the Catholic Church Should Abolish the Anti-Christian ‘Just War’ Theory

Below is an extract from a reflection on abuse, violence, war, and peacemaking by Mairead Maguire that was written after Pope Francis’ visit to Ireland. It was published in Common Dreams on September 6, 2018. In Ireland, and throughout the world, people are looking for moral and spiritual leadership. Pope Francis’ two-day visit to Ireland on August 25-26 comes at a time when people need hope.…