Rally at Electro Optic Systems Head Office, Elizabeth Street, Sydney August 8, 2019

This rally takes place every second Thursday of the month in opposition to their support for Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates in the war on Yemen. Notes from Fr Claude Mostowik's speech: In the eyes of some war making is sacrosanct. Pope Francis: Countries that sell arms have no right to talk about peace. In April he said that…


No ! to US Missiles in Australia !Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) Media Release

MEDIA RELEASE               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 6th August 2019 No ! to joining the U.S. in a battle with China ! “The suggestion that the Northern Territory should be host to American intermediate-range missiles, floated by U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, at the recent AUSMIN conference in Sydney must be immediately and totally…


Destruction of Australian War Sales Catalogue event held in Sydney 30 June 2018

A public rally to protest against the Coalition government's Defence Export Strategy and the Australian Military Sales Catalogue took place on June 30 outside the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney’s CBD. Below is an extract from one of the speeches. "By this public destruction of the Australian Military Sales Catalogue today, we symbolically protest against the Government spending $3.8 billion…