Pax Christi Australia – Australia – President – Fr Claude Mostowik msc
Pax Christi Australia – Victoria
Convenor: Catriona Devlin
Secretary: Sr Pat Fox
Postal address: PO Box 31, Carlton, Victoria 3053
Meeting information: The branch normally meets once every two months for Agape. Refer to contact details above for more information. All welcome.
Pax Christi Australia – NSW
Convenor: Fr Claude Mostowik msc
– Mobile: 0411 450 953
– Email:
Secretary: Marita McInerney
– Email:
Postal address: PO Box A681, Sydney South, NSW 1235
Meeting venue: MSC Justice and Peace Centre, 209A Edgeware Road, Enmore NSW (Three minutes walk from Marrickville Metro Shopping Centre.)
Meeting information: The branch normally meets on the first Monday of each month at 6.00pm for a shared meal. The meeting follows at 6.30pm. Please note that during Covid restrictions all meetings are conducted online commencing 6.00pm until further notice Refer to contact details above for more information. All welcome.
Pax Christi Australia – Queensland
Co-Convenor: Dr David Tutty
– Mobile:
– Email:
Co-Convenor: Sr Claire Cooke S.Sp.S.
– Email:
Secretary: Pam Nair
Postal address: PO Box 305, Carina, Queensland 4152
Meeting information: Refer to contact details above for more information.