Membership of Pax Christi Australia
The annual membership categories and fees are:
- Individual – $35.00
- Family or institution – $45.00
- Low income – $20.00
Annual membership runs from January to December.
Members receive copies of Pax Christi’s quarterly journal Disarming Times. Applicants should indicate if they prefer to receive digital copies via email. Multiple hard copies for distribution to friends and networks can also be received by post at no extra cost.
Membership and Renewal Form (all States & Territories except NSW)
Residents or organisations can download this new membership or renewal form here.
Membership and Renewal Form (only NSW)
The new membership or renewal form for NSW can be downloaded here.
Note that applications for new membership of Pax Christi in NSW require the support of two existing members of the organisation.
Pax Christi’s bank account details are provided on the application form. When making payments over the Internet, applicants are asked to insert their surname or institution’s name in the online payment description box.
Further inquiries
Membership inquiries can be directed to:
- Fr Claude Mostowik: 0411 450 953 – or
- Rita Camilleri: (03) 9379 3889 –