Hiroshima Nagasaki Never Again
Dr Joseph Gerson Tour 2018 CICD will be hosting Dr Joseph Gerson from 14 August to 16 August 2018, with the support & sponsorship of: IPAN Victoria, Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church, Quakers, Pax Christi, Spirit of Eureka and Victorian Council of Churches (VCC). Wednesday 15 August: 7.00 pm Public Meeting at the Unitarian church, 110 Grey Street East Melbourne.…
APAN 2018 Annual Dinner - 17 August 2018 Grand Royale, 61 _ 51 South Street Granville NSW Buy ticket/s now Support Palestine by joining the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network in our annual dinner, our main fundraiser for the year. The program will include a three course dinner, raffles, auction items and entertainment. We are excited to announce that Gerard Horton…
A two day conference of socialist ideas, debate and discussion. International speaker: David Albrich Austrian socialist and anti-fascist activist. Check out the timetable here Check out speakers here
Speakers: Joseph Gerson, experienced anti- nuclear and peace activist from the USA, A/Prof Jake Lynch (Dept Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney) and other invited guest speakers. Bookings: Eventbrite before Thursday 9 August - book here Access the flyer on Joseph Gerson. Organised by: Peace and Justice Committee Quakers NSW with the support from the Exodus Foundation (Rev Bill Crews) and the Hiroshima…
Pax Christi Victoria has convened a coalition of peace groups including ICAN, the Medical Association for the Prevention of War, the Society of Friends and several others, to campaign for the Australian government to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Public forum: Banning Nuclear Weapons? Australia Must Act! Speakers include: Dr Tilman Ruff - Co-founder of ICAN…
Sydney Fundraising Dinner with Dr Olfat Mahmoud Olfat, a Lebanon-based Palestinian refugee, is on a speaking tour to highlight the plight of Palestinian refugees in the camps in Lebanon over the last 70 years. Olfat will also talk about the Palestinian Right of Return as well as Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Her autobiography ‘Tears for Tarshiha’ will also be available…
Melbourne Fundraising Dinner with Dr Olfat Mahmoud Olfat, a Lebanon-based Palestinian refugee, is on a speaking tour to highlight the plight of Palestinian refugees in the camps in Lebanon over the last 70 years. Olfat will also talk about the Palestinian Right of Return as well as Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Her autobiography ‘Tears for Tarshiha’ will also be available…