18 Drummartin St
Albion VIC 3020
Pax Christi Victoria Inc.
International Christian Peace Movement
You are invited to the October Agape
South Sudanese encounter
Meeting wiith Young People from South Sudan..
(a follow up to the meeting in July 2017)
Sunday October 21 2018
St Theresa’s Hall, 18 Drummartin St, Albion 3020
@ 1.30 p.m followed by Afternoon Tea (Not lunch.)
Please bring a plate
Matthew Shawcross,
Principal of Sacred Heart Primary School in Fitzroy, where more than
50% of the school’s population is of South Sudanese heritage. Matthew is
a passionate advocate for the South Sudanese community, Matthew
brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and personal stories to his
position as an educational leader of a Catholic School.
Bol Abiem and Chien Mayoum
Bol and Chien arrived in Australia on a Humanitarian Visas in 2005.
Shortly after their arrivals, they joined the Sunshine Heights Cricket
Club and showed promising talent almost immediately. Both Chien and Bol’s
prowess as cricketers has seen them travel overseas to Sri Lanka with an
Australian Schoolboys’ team. In April 2019, they will travel to India with
this team also.
For further details
Contact: Fred (9311 8515) or Terry (0401 416 897