The Justice and Peace Office on behalf of the Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher OP, invite you to hear the address, ‘Aboriginal Catholics and Reconciliation’ by Dr Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann.
As a leading Catholic educator, pastoral carer and cross-cultural relationship builder, Dr Miriam Rose Ungunmerr Baumann has spent decades sharing her unique knowledge and wisdom about how to live in and relate to this country.
We are fortunate to have Miriam as a Critical Friend of the Reconciliation Action Planning process for the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney. Now Miriam has an opportunity to share with us her reflections on her experience as Senior Indigenous Australian of the Year in 2021, and how she sees the journey of Reconciliation for us all.
NOTE: While the tickets for this event are free, we encourage you to make a donation (small or large) to the Miriam Rose Foundation using the QR code displayed on the promotional flyer or by visiting this link, Donations Page
Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing you then!