“Australia at the crossroads – time for an independent foreign policy”

The conference is being held at a time of increasing contention between the US and China in our region with the US practising to invade islands in the South China sea using its new Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO). The US Marines claim this strategy will be difficult for China to counter. Recently the US practised this strategy by “capturing an island le Shima off the coast of Okinawa. By designing the US-Australia Talisman Sabre war exercises this year (11-24th July) to further practice this strategy off/on the coast of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef area, the US is drawing Australia into its hostile intentions aimed at China. The HMAS Adelaide and Canberra have been fitted out to support amphibious landing operations and in recent exercises, US marines have been imbeded on these Australian naval ships. In addition, the US has increased its contingent of US marines in Darwin this year to 2,500. We don’t want Australia drawn into another US war.

The future looks ominious. This issue will be addressed at the conference together with  IPAN’s National Campaign to end the stationing of US troops in Darwin.

In addition, the conference will explore:

*Why Australia needs an independent foreign policy

* The extent of foreign military facilities in Australia and their purpose

* The impact of militarism on the environment

* The cost of militarism to Australians

An impressive list of overseas and Australian specialist speakers have been engaged for the conference with plenty of opportunity for conference delegate participation.

Please find attached an advertisement for the conference which could be circulated among your members and friends.

Booking for the conference is at:


Some lower cost accommodation has been secured and Annette Brownlie can advise on availability and access: annettebrownlie@gmail.com


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