Camperdown NSW 2006
Let’s Talk About West Papua SYDNEY
The Australian government is aiding the Indonesian police and military. They are refusing to tell you how your taxes pay for the Indonesia Military to conduct training, intelligence operations, joint exercises, and weapons and ammunition. The Indonesian military and police kill, torture, arrest and displace West Papuans, your neighbours.
Hear first-hand accounts of this ongoing violence. Meet West Papuans who are leading a campaign for dignity and safety. Learn what you can do to stand with their families.
When: Thursday 17 May 2018 from 5:30pm
Where: Carslaw Centre (Building F07), Lecture Theatre 175, Sydney University, Darlington. Enter via City Rd and proceed along Eastern Ave.
Supported by: Pasifika, Amnesty International Australia, National Council of Churches in Australia, Catholic Justice and Peace Commission of Brisbane.
Enquiries: Joe on 0407 785 797