This is a course run by
People Power & Peace: Join this inspiring 6-week course, where you’ll explore powerful stories from around the globe. From Liberia to Northern Ireland, Colombia to the Philippines, you’ll discover how communities have successfully halted or averted wars through nonviolent action. You will also learn practical approaches used before, during, and after a war erupts – leaving you with a comprehensive understanding of how people power can be used at every stage of a conflict. (May 6-June 17) Learn more>>
The course time will be a 6.00am slot for East Coast Australia

Author/Activist Rivera Sun is the Editor of Nonviolence News, a nationwide trainer in strategy for nonviolent movements, and the author of many books and novels, including The Dandelion Insurrection and The Way Between. She serves on the Advisory Board of World Beyond War and Backbone Campaign. Rivera helps coordinate Campaign Nonviolence Action Days and our Nonviolent Cities Project.