It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the Launch of an important book Towards a Just and Ecologically Sustainable Peace: Navigating the Great Transition. The book arises from the Earth@Peace Conference to which Pax Christi made a significant contribution. We hope the book will open up new horizons for all of us interested in the human future.
For the occasion we are fortunate to have two internationally renowned, passionately engaged public intellectuals who are at the forefront of thinking (and acting) about the journey ahead: Dr Vandana Shiva and Professor Richard Falk.
I attach two flyers: one giving details of the book, and the other details of the Book Launch. This will be a Zoom webinar to be held on
Tuesday 27 October at 6.00 pm
We see the book as a useful platform to engage with scholars and their students, lawyers, doctors, journalists, diplomats, civil servants, religious and community leaders and others with a concern for peace, justice, and environment.
The book launch is an opportunity to explore a crucial idea. Simply put, justice, peace and care of the Earth cannot be understood or pursued as separate concerns. This has enormous implications for how we relate to the Earth community and organise society, economy, politics, and international relations.
Highly respected thinkers and practitioners are beginning to discuss and write about this approach. In the book, we take this line of thinking several steps further. At the book launch we’ll be discussing an idea whose time has come.
I am asking you to be an ambassador for this event. Please encourage family members, colleagues, and others in your networks to join us on Tuesday 27 October. It will be a pleasure to welcome them.