Dear Friends
You are invited by one of Australia’s most senior Aboriginal Christian Leaders, Aunty Jean Phillips, to gather together to pray in unison on the evening before January 26. During a moment of national significance, answer the call to prayer to #ChangeTheHeart of this nation.
While there are mixed feelings across the country around January 26, we as Christians have an opportunity to stand with Aunty Jean Phillips to acknowledge the true history of our nation, to lament the present day disadvantages and injustices facing our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters, and to pray for a nation built on truth, justice, love and hope.
Commit now to hear the call and let Aunty Jean Phillips know you will be watching #ChangeTheHeart on Tuesday, 25 January 2022 at 7:30 pm AEDT
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of #ChangeTheHeart and a time to celebrate how this prayer service has grown to become an important moment for our nation in the lead up to January 26.
How can I participate?
Commit to watching the #ChangeTheHeart service simulcast on ACCTV, online at and across a number of radio networks. Sign up now so we can let Aunty Jean Phillips know you will be watching and provide you with further resources, including an Order of Service booklet. More information on how to watch is available here.
Share this opportunity with your church and community networks, inviting them to #ChangeTheHeart 2022. If you or your church or community would like to host a screening of #ChangeTheHeart 2022 please sign up here. (Please note, host places are responsible for managing COVID safety and compliance)
Attend a local #ChangeTheHeart service at a Church gathering near you. Over 35 churches (many who have hosted previous year’s Change The Heart services) are offering their place for you to gather and participate together – you could join a gathering here. RSVPs are essential due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Speak up and use your voice to invite others to take seriously the true history of these lands now called Australia. Template flyers, powerpoint slides and social media graphics are available to help you invite others to watch #ChangeTheHeart 2022 once you commit to watching.
Read a blog post written by Rev Christine McPherson from Berowra Baptist Church reflecting on her church’s journey with #ChangeTheHeart and why they will be tuning in again on 25 January 2022.
As we dream of Reconciliation in our lifetime, we know change comes through prayer, through deep friendship and through faithful commitment – so we invite you to answer the call of Aunty Jean Philips, to stand in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to commit to tuning in together on the night before January 26th.
Grace and peace,
Brooke, Bianca and the Common Grace team
PS. Commit now to pray in unison at the #ChangeTheHeart Service on Tuesday, 25 January 2022 at 7:30 pm AEDT
PPS. How is your local church marking January 26th? Sign up now for an Aboriginal Sunday Church Resource Toolkit that will enable your church or faith community to hold and lead a service prepared by Aboriginal Christian Leaders for Sunday, 23 January 2022.
Common Grace