The unfolding catastrophe in Gaza and the deepening regional and global crisis

Extends a cordial invitation to

a timely and thought-provoking online conversation.

The unfolding catastrophe in Gaza

and the deepening regional and global crisis


LA 6.00am  ─  NY 9.00am  ─  London 2.00pm  ─  Berlin/Johannesburg 3.00pm

Turkey/Moscow/Cairo 4.00pm ─  New Delhi 6.30pm  –  Beijing/KL/Perth 9.00pm  ─  Melbourne 11.00pm


Dear Maggie,

A webinar is coming your way that will tackle head-on some of the most daunting challenges humanity faces at this time.

The horrific suffering of the Palestinian people has attracted much commentary and analysis, but are we any clearer today than we were six months ago about its underlying causes or its longer term ramifications?

What is it that connects the war in Gaza with so many other unprecedented crises: The war in Ukraine, deepening US-China tensions, a spiralling global arms race, the approaching climate catastrophe, and a seemingly endless succession of humanitarian crises?

The webinar brings together a diverse and uniquely equipped group of intellectuals and practitioners for a lively, thought-provoking, even provocative conversation.

Two special guests will make introductory presentations

and then engage in an extended in-depth conversation

with SHAPE Co-Convenors

The conversation will address the hard, often neglected questions:

  • What are the underlying currents that help explain the war in Gaza?
  • What of the implications for global governance?
  • What do we make of the current impotence of the United Nations?
  • Are there creative ways of responding to this crisis?
  • Who has agency in framing and advancing such responses?

Do join us for this overdue conversation, together with others in your circle of friends and contacts.

Joseph Camilleri

On behalf of the SHAPE Coordinating Committee