Dear friends
I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Webinar sponsored by the Chevalier Institute entitled: An exploration of Creation as God’s love story. We have been using the opportunity provided by the Covid-19 shut-down to experiment with alternative forms of communication and formation and we wanted to build on what we learned from the first Webinar, and so offer another opportunity for your parishes, colleges or people involved in your ministry.
The attached flyer has details of the presenters and the scope of their presentations. We are trying to formulate this Webinar so it can be offered to small groups within your communities, with a particular focus on the call of Pope Francis for ecological conversion and the implications of that call on our lives both personally and communally.
Our hope is that you can promote this Webinar widely to your whole community and target, in particular, PPC, social justice or St Vincent de Paul groups to watch it together and discuss the possibilities for your places.
It will be recorded on YouTube if you are not able to access it live.
Click here to download the event flyer.
Zoom Link:
or go to and enter the webinar ID 899 7794 1083 (no password is required)
The Facebook event ID.