Online World Conference: Abolish Nuclear Weapons; Resist and Reverse the Climate Crisis; For Social and Economic Justice


We’re thrilled that everything is falling into place for Saturday’s World Conference for nuclear weapons abolition, peace, the climate, social and economic justice. As you’ll see from the attached agenda, we’ll have an exceptional array of speakers from Japan to Germany and from New York to Iran and Australia!

The Conference will be live streamed, and you can join at

The conference will also be recorded and posted at

As a reminder, the conference will be held 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. EDT, and those of you who have already registered should have received your zoom link to the conference

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Online World Conference: Abolish Nuclear Weapons; Resist and Reverse the Climate Crisis; For Social and Economic Justice

 April 25, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. EDT

 Conference Techniques


 Panel 1 – Nuclear Weapons, Struggle for Abolition & the Current Moment

WADA Masako – Nihon Hidankyo – Japan

Dr. Carlos Umaña – IPPNW – Costa Rica

Xiye Bastida – Fridays for Future – U.S.A

Hiroshi Taka – Gensuikyo – Japan

Joseph Gerson – AFSC/CPDCS – USA


Panel 2 Action Steps/Priorities

Rev. Liz Theoharis – Poor People’s Campaign – USA

Emad Kiyaei – IGD Group – Iran

Sharron Barrow – ITUC Australia

Reiner Braun – IPB – Germany


Q & A Session (Time permitting)


TANAKA Terumi – Hidankyo – Japan (Report: Hibakusha Signature Appeal Campaign)

NAKAMITSU Izumi – U.N. High Representative for Disarmament

Presentation: Conference Organizers’ Statement

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