St Scholasticas College
2 Avenue Rd, Glebe NSW 2037
His Excellency Anote Tong, who was president of Kiribati from 2003 to 2013, is among the most prominent advocates for urgent global action on climate change. Former President Tong’s country, the Pacific island nation of Kiribati, is one of the first places to confront sea level rise and other devastating real-life consequences of climate change.
Mr Tong is a strong voice for the Pacific and has been campaigning for climate justice for his people and those of the Pacific for many years. Bringing his voice to Australia is especially important in the current circumstances where Australians are engaged in a debate about greenhouse gas emissions and the continued mining and use of coal. The Pacific Calling Partnership is bringing Mr Tong to Australia in an effort to change the terms of the climate change debate in this country.
Join the Inter-Congregational Voice in Glebe for an evening with Anote Tong as he discusses the challenges facing Kiribati, Australia’s responsibility to tackle the climate crisis, and his vision for a more just and sustainable future.
Sr. Geraldine Kearney will serve as the event MC. Sr. Kearney, a Sister of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St. Benedict, has spent the last several years educating people in Australia and throughout the world about the impacts of climate change on low-lying islands in the Pacific.